My wife and I patroling on my newly modified Flamethrower tank.
We are very proud to show you the modifications brought to my recently acquired Flamethrower tank. First of all and most importantly, I'm now able to fit inside the tank, which is quite convenient! I'm absolutely fully protected when driving the thing, using two levers. The following picture has been taken when the tank had its top half removed while being modified inside our shop. Above the right lever, note the driver's machine gun trigger mechanism. As you can notice too, the motor is not fully isolated from the driver. The tank is so small you have to make some concessions!
Myself at the levers of the tank, in my workshop.
Among the improvements to my tank visible on the first photo are the new driver's viewport, fitted with the last generation of bulletproof glass, the blackout light, and the driver's machine gun. On the turret, you couldn't have failed to notice the brand new large caliber machine gun equipped with high-tech optics and high capacity magazine. Unfortunately, you need that in Couteau today if you want to be shown at least some respect. Note that the double flame throwing canon has been upgraded too, and we also completed the turret's armement with a double grenade launcher.
A side view of the tank in the fields near Versailles.
Apparently, the very principle of a flamethrowing tank is now quite obsolete on the modern-day battlefield. If I have no doubt about the fear such an ominous weapon could still inspire in the modern soldier (because, after all, we modern humans can burn as well as our forefathers of the last century), it is true that you have to be very close to your target (at the very most 200 meters) to be effective. And at that distance, you are of course very vulnerable to any modern anti tank ammunition that could be thrown at you. This is why I keep this beauty as a curiosity and a museum exhibit, though in working order, and don't intend to go to war with it! Still, I should be able to defend myself nonetheless with my modern machine gun and grenade launchers if attacked on my peaceful sunday stroll...
Doing my duty as a Couteautish citizen and law enforcement officer, standing guard in a field at a flame's throw from the Boreal border.
Imagine that suddenly coming at you at the top of a slope in a field!
If you're close enough that you can see me inside my tank, too late! You're fired!
Thank you for your attention and see you soon!
Mega Bloks ® set 95420 Flameslinger MODified.
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